Healthy Line

How To Make Your Hair Grow Faster and Stronger

How To Make Your Hair Grow Faster and Stronger

Waiting forever for your hair to grow out might be annoying. There are many ideas on the internet for accelerating growth, but we believe that changing your diet is the best place to start because even small changes can have a significant impact. Once you’ve mastered nutrition, we’ve also put together the best and most productive lifestyle suggestions and hair care advice.

Here are three ways how to make your hair grow faster and how to maintain it and how to maintain it.

Method1:- Maintaining Your Hair

1. Don’t wash your hair every day

Shampooing your hair every day might dry out and harm your hair unless it is really oily. By only washing your hair every other day, the natural oils in your body can condition your hair.

  • To assist in keeping your hair follicles clean, you might also think about utilizing a scalp treatment. Your hair may remain healthy as a result of this.

2. Use a conditioner

Make sure to condition your hair after shampooing. Your hair’s lost oils from shampooing can be replenished with the aid of a hair conditioner. Make sure that you completely wash the shampoo out of your hair before conditioning.

3. Use cool water to rinse your hair

Rinse your hair under cool water for a few seconds after rinsing the shampoo and conditioner out. The tightness of the hair follicle is ensured by cool water. This lessens the quantity of hair shed after a shower.

4. Reduce the heat and color

Your hair will eventually become damaged if you use heat or hair color on it. In order to use less heat on your hair, try to let it air dry as often as you can. Use velcro or sponge rollers as opposed to hot rollers. To lessen hair dye damage, space out your coloring sessions and use a shampoo that is color-safe.

5. Cautious hair brushing

Detangle your hair carefully with a wide-tooth comb. Beginning at the ends of your hair, work your way up to the scalp using the comb. Tugging too hard on the hair to brush out tangles will result in hair loss.

6. Put your ponytail on properly.

Breakage can occur if you pull your hair too tightly into a ponytail on top of your head. Instead, let your hair hang loosely or wear it down. Use rubber hairbands sparingly. In order to prevent your hair from becoming too brittle in one location, switch up the position of your ponytail.

7. Massage your scalp

Giving your scalp a daily massage could assist to increase blood flow to your hair follicles and encourage hair growth. As part of your everyday hair care regimen, massage your scalp.

Method2:- Changes to Your Lifestyle

1. Get your hair trimmed

Although it may seem counterintuitive, getting your hair cut short will prevent breakage and encourage faster hair growth. The ends of the hair strands will eventually start to split. When brushed, these split ends tangle and are more likely to be pulled out. The number of split ends will be reduced by maintaining a trim.

2. Use a silk pillowcase

A silk pillowcase’s threads can snag your hair. This friction is decreased by a silk pillowcase, which also decreases breakage.

  • You might use a silk scarf instead of a silk pillowcase to cover your head.

3. Refrain from toweling your hair.

After taking a shower, covering your head with a towel might also break your hair. Instead, carefully blot the excess water out of your hair or squeeze it out.

  • Given that microfiber towels are softer than traditional cotton towels, you can also think about using one to wrap your hair.

Method3:- Making Dietary Changes

1. Make sure to get enough protein each day

Keratin, a type of protein, makes up the majority of your hair, nails, and skin. Anagen, when the hair is developing, catagen, when the growth begins to slow, and telogen, when the hair stops growing and/or falls out, are the three stages of hair growth. Protein-deficient hair enters the resting state earlier than protein-rich hair.

  • Greek yogurt, chicken, and eggs are excellent sources of protein.
  • Based on your weight and way of life, your protein requirements may change. The average person requires 45–55 grams (1.6–1.9 oz) of protein per day.

2. Boost your intake of iron and zinc.

The creation of the proteins that make up your body’s hair depends on minerals like iron and zinc. Hair loss is a known side effect of low iron.

  • Natural sources of iron and zinc include spinach, beans, and seafood.
  • Your daily requirements for iron and zinc depend on your age, sex, and lifestyle. Before making any adjustments to your daily mineral intake, consult your doctor.

3. Eat vitamin-rich foods

It is believed that vitamin D is essential for hair development. For the body to absorb iron, vitamin C is also crucial. Citrus fruits like oranges, grapefruit, and limes are rich in vitamin C. The sun and food sources like fortified milk and orange juice are two good sources of vitamin D.

  • Before making any adjustments to your daily vitamin intake, consult your doctor.

4. Boost your biotin and other B vitamin intake

Make sure to include biotin and other B vitamins in your diet as they can aid in promoting healthy hair. By taking a daily multivitamin, you can be sure that you are getting enough of these vitamins. Additionally, you can consume meals high in these vitamins.

  • Almonds, cauliflower, eggs, cheese, mushrooms, and cheese are all excellent sources of biotin.
  • Fish, meat, eggs, dairy, leafy greens, peas, and beans all contain B vitamins. Additionally, seek items like pieces of bread and cereals that have been B vitamin-enhanced.

5. Prioritise healthy fats

For hair to develop, omega-3 fatty acids are required. Additionally, they keep your hair healthy and lustrous. This fat is not normally produced by your body.

  • Fish is a good source of Omega-3 fatty acids. An adult should consume two servings of fish each week, according to the American Heart Association, to acquire the recommended dosage of Omega-3 fatty acids.
  • You should take a DHA supplement if you are a vegan or vegetarian.
  • Omega-3 fatty acids are also found in flaxseed oil. Adults just only one teaspoon every day. For younger kids, consult your doctor.





About the author


I am a computer science graduate. Started blogging with a passion to help internet users the best I can. Contact Email:

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