Healthy Line

7 Common Errors with Cleaning Dental Implants and How to Avoid Them

7 Common Errors with Cleaning Dental Implants and How to Avoid Them

Looks like you’ve upgraded your smile to a cavity-free zone with those shiny new implants! But don’t break out the champagne just yet; there’s still some work to be done.

Dental implants are a long-term investment, and the last thing you want is for them to become infected or damaged after just a few months on your teeth. Luckily for you, that’s easily avoidable with the seven tips below.

If you want your implants to shine brighter than a Hollywood smile, keep scrolling so you can steer clear of these common errors with cleaning dental implants.

  1. Too Much Cleaning

Don’t be fooled by the allure of excessive cleaning when it comes to your dental implants. The “more is better” mentality may work for money, but definitely not for your teeth.

Brushing more than twice a day can be overwhelming for your bridge. The constant friction can ignite a fiery irritation that could crack even the toughest ceramic crowns.

Your implant paranoia shouldn’t turn you into a scrubbing maniac. Standard dental implant aftercare is all you need to clean your teeth.

  1. Avoiding Floss

The American Dental Association recommends flossing at least once a day. But some people with implants avoid flossing, fearing that it will disturb the seal of their new teeth.

If you’re having trouble with regular dental floss, try using a threader or special crown and bridge floss instead. If those don’t work either, contact this family dentist for tips on alternative implant cleaning tools.

  1. Overlooking Bleeding

If you notice some mild to moderate bleeding at the implant site, it’s normal. The body can take up to 72 hours to adjust and create new blood vessels around the teeth. Be sure not to panic if this happens; it’s just part of the healing process!

Only bleeding that continues three days after the procedure should be reported to your doctor.

When you notice bleeding gums, make a DIY compress with gauze or a tea bag dipped in cold water. Also, try to avoid chemical mouthwashes during this time. Alcohol-based rinses can make your gums and other soft tissues feel worse.

  1. Using the Wrong Toothpaste

Regardless of the many types of dental implants, they all have one thing in common: a requirement for gentle toothpaste.

Look for mild tooth cleaners with ingredients that are safe for implants. For example, fluoride can help prevent cavities in the rest of your natural teeth. Antimicrobial agents like chlorine dioxide are also necessary to help limit plaque formation.

Don’t use pastes that contain fine grit, as they can scratch your crowns and ruin your implants.

  1. Rough Handling

Dental implants may be stronger than your average tooth, but that doesn’t mean they want to be treated like a punching bag. Be gentle during your implant cleaning routine to prevent cracks and air pockets.

Don’t brush too hard. You should feel the bristles on your teeth rather than in your gums and bones.

Avoid flossing tools that have sharp edges. They can damage the surface of an implant if used improperly.

And finally, don’t turn the water pressure on your flosser above what feels comfortable for you. While water flossers seem harmless, too much force can cause some serious havoc.

  1. Ignoring Your Dentist’s Instructions

When you don’t follow a professional’s instructions, there’s a huge risk of your implants falling out.

Let’s say you skip brushing and flossing. Well, that’s a surefire way to invite plaque into your mouth. The bacteria will attack nearby tissues and cause the bone to crumble like a stale cookie, leading to the embarrassing loss of the implant.

You could also get an infection in your mouth or face that requires antibiotics from a doctor. This will be an additional medical bill on top of your implant payments.

In rare cases, some patients might end up losing all their teeth because of decay spreading throughout their mouths.

If you’re not already flossing and brushing regularly, start doing so today. And when your doctor gives you instructions for after surgery, follow them to the letter!

  1. Forgoing Your Post-op Dental Implant Appointment

A trip to the dentist’s office is like a spa day for your teeth, so make sure to pencil in those regular appointments. The dentist will give your implants a thorough inspection to ensure they’re settled comfortably in their bony abode. They’ll also tidy up any excess bones that may have grown.

At the end of your appointment, they’ll give your pearly whites a once-over to guarantee they’re not causing any problems while you’re chowing down or chit-chatting.

Don’t be a stranger to the dental office. Schedule an appointment and let the professionals work their magic. Not only will you catch any potential problems early on, but you’ll also get to enjoy the sweet satisfaction of knowing your implants are in top-notch shape.

Correct Errors With Cleaning Dental Implants

When people clean their implants, they often use a hard toothbrush. If you haven’t been doing that, you’re already on the right path to avoiding some of the most common errors with cleaning dental implants.

It also helps to seek guidance from an adept dental practitioner before changing your implant care routine. But if you’re still playing the field when it comes to picking your preferred tooth guru, head over to our health cycle section. We’ll shower you with more dental tips than your teeth can handle, plus some bonus advice for boosting your well-being.

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I am a computer science graduate. Started blogging with a passion to help internet users the best I can. Contact Email:

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